Inequality has been so pervasive, it has generated so much suffering, disadvantage and injustice, that equality can no longer be the goal. Humanity has now reached a point where we all need to strive for equity and guarantee that there is no disparity in the opportunities some are afforded over others. Only by “leveling the playing field,” by allowing everyone access to education, housing, health care and decent salaries, will we be able to survive as a fair, productive and -yes- egalitarian society.
The exhibit is open to all visual mediums.
John Affolter, Jenny Balisle, Amy Bumpus, Matthew Coté, Jesse Egner, David Finck, Joan E. Gardner, Hope Gereghty, Nicolei Gupit, Daniel Horowitz, Sunyoung Lee, George Lorio, Samantha Resendez, Gary Rubin, Jose Trejo-Maya, Ila Van, Susan West, Tina Ybarra
Dec 2, 2021 – Jan 28, 2022 (Gallery is closed Dec 20 – Jan 7 for AACC’s winter break)Dec 9, 5-7 Public Reception and Juror Talk
About the Juror:
Ix-Nic Iruegas (Mexico City, 1970). She is a member of the Mexican National Art Creators System (SNCA). Translator and cultural manager, she was raised and educated in different countries and languages due to the Diplomatic activities of her parents. She holds a B.A. in Communication at the Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City. She has worked in radio and television, and has been a style corrector and researcher for non-fiction books. Since 2001 she started working in the production of cultural and corporative events. She was technical secretary at the Centro Cultural Universitario Tlatelolco, where she was in charge of the operation of the virtual reality installation Carne y Arena, by Mexican film director, Alejandro G. Iñárritu., as well as the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the 1968 student movement in Mexico. She was director of the Casa Universitaria del Libro, where she coordinated more than 150 activities. She worked at the Cervantino International Festival as PR manager and at the Centro Cultural Roberto Cantoral. As translator, she worked for PR agencies, law firms, museums and NGOs. In 2012 she conducted her first literary translator for the Fondo de Cultura Económica. Since then, she has translated more than 30 books for the FCE and other editorials, including El niño que nadaba con pirañas, by David Almond, which obtained a recognition from the Banco del Libro in Venezuela as the best translation in a children book in 2014; Miedo, by Kevin Brooks; Paisaje con mano invisible, by M. T. Anderson; El árbol de las mentiras, by Frances Harindge; Los hijos del Rey, by Sonya Harnett; Curaduría, by Michael Bahskar, and the anniversary translation of Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll, in collaboration with Mexican writer, Ignacio Padilla, selected by the Banco del Libro in Venezuela as one of The Best Books (Los Mejores) of 2018. She has recently published a translation of Gastronomía e Imperio: La cocina en la historia del mundo, by Rachel Laudan, and a A través del Espejo y lo que Alicia encontró ahí, de Lewis Carroll (fortcoming), as part of her work as member of the SNCA. Executive Director of the Mexican Cultural Institute DC since 2020.